Thursday, 16 August 2012

NATD (London) Amateur & Professional Exam 2013

NATD Dance Showcase 2012

23rd June 2012, TKT Hall of SRJK (C) Naam Kheung Kuala Lumpur

The NATD Dance Showcase 2012 was a successful event attended by most of the NATD Malaysia members from the top schools in Malaysia.

We have 30 Medallist performances from 1 dance to President Award level. Every dancers put their best in their performance and enjoy themselves very much.

Our panel of Judges:
1) Miss Yvonne Gilmore, President of The NATD (London)
2) Miss Marye Simmons, Examiner of The NATD (London)
3) Mr. Terence Davis, Dance Critic

The panel of Judges give each performances comment and points and it help them to perfect their future dancing.

NATD (London) Teacher Workshop 2011

23rd & 24th July 2012, Kuala Lumpur

The NATD Malaysia Member greatly organized the N.A.T.D. (London) Teachers Workshop - especially in Latin, Ballroom & Freestyle dance with held on 23rd July 2011, Saturday and 24th July 2011, Sunday. This workshop covers two parts i.e. Lecture, at the first part and Practice at the second part and conducted by the former UK Professional Dance Compion - Mr. Neil Dewar.


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

NATD Dancesport Medallist Competition 2009

Dancesport Competition Rules For Juveniles, Juniors, Adults, All Ladies & Over 35 Event.

1) Entry Conditions
a) All competitors must be National Medallists and have taken the respective examination during the 18 months prior to this competition.
b) Any competitor who has been a finalist in National, Commercial or Multi National Championships in the 12 months prior to the Medallist event they wish to compete in will be ineligible to compete.
c) Competitors can only enter competitions appropriate to the highest grade they have achieved in the National Association.
d) The age rule is that a Juvenile becomes a Junior on his or her 12th birthday and a Junior becomes and Adult on his or her 18th birthday.
e) Children may dance in the Rainbow Section for as many years as they wish, until they are 8 years old.

2) Dress
a) Rainbow & Juvenile. All rainbow & juveniles competitors must wear
i) Girls – Short Skirt with Top
ii) Boys – White Shirt with Trousers & Bow / Necktie
b) Junior and all adult age groups. There are no other dress restrictions except Tail Suits, which are not permitted.
no sequines is allowed on all clothing for all competitors.

3) Partnering
a) Medallist events
- Competitors must be partnered by Amateur partner only.
- Partnering with more than one person is at the discretion of the School concerned, but pairing with more that two competitors in any one heat is not allowed.
b) Junior / Juveniles Couples events
- Couples can be Boy with Girl or Girl with Girl
- The couple must enter the highest grade of the partnership
- A Juvenile may dance with a Junior to accommodate a partnership, but must dance at the Junior Grade. This will not affect the status of the Juveniles in their own competition.
c) Adult Couples
- The age of the younger partner will determine the age group in which the couple competes.
- The couple must enter the highest grade of the partnership
- All lady couples may elect to dance in either the Medallist Couples section of their level group of the All Ladies Couples Section, or both.
- Both must be 35 years & above in the over 35 years event.

4) Syllabus Restriction
All competitions must comply with the respective NATD syllabus.
a) Rainbow / One Dance. National Student Preliminary Figures Only
b) Juveniles will be restricted to Fellowship figures only.
c) All Bronze Competitions. National Associate Figures Only
d) All Silver Competitions. National Membership Figures Only
e) All gold Competitions. National Fellowship Figures Only
All remaining competitions no restrictions. Lifts, semi/acrobat variation is not permitted.

5) Video or Cine Cameras
These may be used with the permission of the organizer.  
6) Trophies and Awards
A trophy Awards will be presented to the winners of each of medallist events, from all levels.